Running into heavy bureaucracy and red tape can slow the clearance process and impact your business' efficiency. Furthermore, applying the right processes with correct documentation can be cumbersome, whether you are exporting from only one country or multiple different countries globally.
Fortunately, our proven customs export clearance and transit services are designed to cut through the uncertainty and get your goods to where they need to be, when they need to be there.
Our export customs clearance services at a glance
Our wide range of customs export services is designed to help you export your goods without delays, at optimal costs, and in full accordance with regulatory requirements. Here are some of the export customs clearance and transit services we offer:
United States of America
- Electronic Export Information (EEI) filed through the Automated Export System (AES)
- Export declaration with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) through their online portal, the Canadian Export Reporting System (CERS)
- Pedimento export declaration
- Management of special export regimes including:
- Definitive export
- Temporary exports (Industria Manufacturera, Maquiladora y de Servicios de Exportación (IMMEX))
- Repair products operations (export and re-import)
- Document and goods inspection management
- Export license validation with necessary authorities (phytosanitary documents and other documents required by Customs Authorities in Mexico)
- Validation of certificates’ origin when applicable to the free trade agreements signed by Mexico (including United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), EUR1, Latin American Integration Association (ALADI)
Taking exports to the next level
There are several key benefits to partnering with us. Our well-established expertise and international presence put us in a pole position when it comes to getting your goods cleared through customs—quickly and without unnecessary delays.
Unrivalled benefits
North America coverage
Our export customs services in the US and Canada, and main strategic partners in Mexico, are recognized as an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) by each of the respective countries’ government agencies. This enables your goods to breeze through customs. We are strategically set up to support all core international trade flows, giving you maximum access to multiple routes, reducing the number of partners, and keeping costs in check.
Compliance, without fail
Things can get complicated quickly, especially in a trade landscape where customs regulations are prone to change. As an AEO-certified customs broker in each country of North America, we secure your end-to-end international supply chain and allow you to leverage simplified customs procedures. We prioritize compliance according to the required legislation and national provisions.
Cut delays and build trust
Unclear customs processes cause delays, which impact your bottom line. Vague timings can also block you from proper planning. With that in mind, our export customs clearance services can be fully aligned with your operational activities. They consider cut-off times and are fully synced with partners across your entire supply chain—no more missed delivery deadlines.
Experts at handling big numbers
Kuehne+Nagel has long-term experience in international trade and customs, enabling us to respond rapidly to changing market and regulatory conditions. Our North American network includes former customs officials, industry professionals, certified customs brokers, and specialists. To ensure timely and successful results, our dedicated implementation team manages every detail of each project we are awarded. Find out how you can benefit from our extensive range of expertise, coverage, and simplified solutions.
Being recognised as a trusted an Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) trade partner by numerous authorities, we help businesses navigate trade efficiently. As well as holding AEO status, we are also certified by the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) in the USA and Partners in Protection (PIP) in Canada. In Mexico, it is not possible to act as a direct customs broker, which is why we have developed strategic partnerships with AEO-certified local brokers. This enables us to support and secure your end-to-end international supply chain and handle your customs service requirements.
Improving your bottom line via customs optimization
Customs typically comprise of a far larger share of landed costs than transportation itself, yet companies are often preoccupied with the latter.
How much do you truly know about your duties and taxes?
Useful links:
United States of America
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement
- Automated Clearinghouse
- Basic importing and exporting
- Cargo Systems Messaging Service
- Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
- Informed Compliance Publications
- Partner Government Agencies Import Guides
- Priority Trade Issues - U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
- Federal Register
- International Trade Commission—trade data and analysis
- SNICE National Service of Foreign Trade Information (Sistema Nacional de Información de Comercio Exterior)
- National Customs Agency of Mexico (ANAM Agencia Nacional de Aduanas)
- Customs Mexico—frequent Q&A
- Federal Commission for the Protection of Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS)
- Directorate General de Normas (DGN)
- Industria Manufacturera, Maquiladora y de Servicios de Exportación (IMMEX) Program
- Mexico Economy Ministry (Secretaría de Economía)
- Mexico Free Trade Agreements (Acuerdos y Tratados de Libre Comercio)
- Mexican Government Procedures Portal (Portal de Trámites)
- PROSEC Program (Programa de Promoción Sectorial)
- Single Window for Foreign Trade (Ventanilla Única de Comercio Exterior)
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Certification of Origin form
- Canadian Border Service Agency’s (CBSA) Pre-arrival Review System (PARS)
- Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
- CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) Q&A
- CARM: Assess and pay duties and taxes on imported commercial goods
- Canada-USA-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA)
- Goods and Services (GST) Direct Payment to CBS